E-on Vue R3 Build 3002553 + PlantFactory & Extra 2019

VUE — программа, предназначенная для генерации 3D-сцен. Имеет дизайн интерфейса, который оптимизирован для простоты использования и производительности, и содержит множество удивительных функций рендеринга, включая объемные эффекты, светящиеся материалы, блики линз, звезды и планеты, камни и многое другое!
VUE настолько продуктивен и прост в использовании, что вы сможете создавать и анимировать 3D-пейзажи в течение нескольких секунд. Данная программа применяется практически везде, где необходимо создать природное окружение: кино, реклама, архитектурная визуализация. Послужной список программы в киноиндустрии весьма внушительный: Аватар, Индиана Джонс 4, Пираты Карибского моря, Терминатор 4 и т.д.
E-on Vue позволяет художникам с легкостью создавать красивые пейзажи, не имея опыта работы в других 3d пакетах. Выбор библиотечных моделей очень большой. А наличие быстрого привью рендера, значительно ускоряет процесс создания сцены, позволяя практически моментально увидеть результат и при необходимости внести корректировки. Некоторые работы в Vue можно создать просто \»на одном дыхании\» не вникая в сложные технические моменты как в других 3d программах.
1. Terrain Editor.
Удобный редактор, при помощи которого можно создать практически любой рельеф местности с использованием инструментов 2d и 3d скульптинга. В данном редакторе можно добавлять эффекты эрозии почвы, лунные кратеры, трещины и т.д. Все эти эффекты могут иметь свой собственный материал.
При необходимости в редактор можно импортировать карту высот реальной местности из других программ. Можно комбинировать в редакторе уже имеющийся рельеф и импортированный. Имеются преднастроенные кисти для скульптинга. Большой набор настроек позволяет создавать свои собственные кисти. Безусловно, это не ZBrush, но для создания рельефа инструменты скульптинга очень удобные.2. Material Editor.
Редактор материалов, наверно, один из самых интересных инструментов Vue.
В Vue можно создавать очень сложные материалы: для скал и камней с настройками рельефа, материалы для облаков, стекла и объектов с подповерхностным рассеиванием и т.д. В редакторе материалов можно настраивать типы маппинга для объектов, быстро и удобно настраивать масштаб материалов. Многие настройки можно тонко отредактировать в редакторе функций.
3. Function Editor.
Данный инструмент, работая в связке с редактором материалов и другими инструментами Vue, позволяет решать самые сложные задачи. Редактор функций имеет нодовую систему, которая наглядна и очень удобна при работе с материалами. Весьма внушительный набор функций делает этот инструмент практически незаменимым в работе с Vue.
Редактировать можно практически любые параметры, задавая нужные ограничения. Так же есть возможность \»публикации\» параметров в редактор материалов. Очень удобное решение для создания собственных материалов, позволяет быстро получать доступ к основным настройкам материала.
4. EcoSystem.
Данный модуль создан специально для добавления в сцену большого количества объектов, а именно растительности и камней. Однако, в экосистему можно импортировать любой объект созданный в вашем любимом 3d редакторе.
Работая в связке с редактором материалов, экосистема позволяет рассаживать растительность с особой реалистичностью с учетом высот вашего ландшафта и с заданием параметров плотности. Объекты могут появляться на определенной вами высоте, при необходимости с ограничениями относительно склонов рельефа. Так как экосистема обычно создается для выбранного материала, можно пользоваться всеми преимуществами редактора материалов, добавляя один слой за другим, добиваясь еще большей реалистичности. Тут стоит отметить возможность реагирования между собой слоев экосистемы, возможность \»притягивания\» и \»отталкивания\» объектов экосистемы. Примером может служить опавшая листва деревьев, которая скапливается на земле под деревьями.
В зависимости от задачи, дополнительно можно воспользоваться EcoSystem Painter и вручную добавлять или удалять объекты экосистемы там, где это необходимо.
5. Atmosphere Editor.
Это удобный и многофункциональный инструмент, при помощи которого можно добиваться потрясающих атмосферных эффектов для ваших сцен.
В него входит и настройка освещения сцены и солнца, выбор атмосферной модели и добавление слоев с облаками.
С его помощью можно создавать: анимацию облаков, анимацию дождя и снега, звездное небо и т.д. Особенно стоит отметить анимацию растений под действием ветра, которая придает анимационной сцене еще большую реалистичность. Все настройки интуитивно понятны и доступны.
6. Animation Wizard.
Позволяет создать анимацию любых объектов окружения. Помощник анимации позволит выбрать нужную траекторию движения объекта, время движения объекта и при необходимости выбрать дополнительные параметры (дрожание объекта, разворот и т.д.).
Для ручной анимации можно воспользоваться созданием ключей на временной шкале.
Даже начинающий специалист в Vue с легкостью сможет создать простую анимацию — облет камеры над созданной сценой. В Vue практически все параметры материалов и объектов могут анимироваться, что позволяет добиваться особой реалистичности в анимационных сценах. Просчитать красивую анимацию с движением облаков не представляет особых сложностей, для этого нужно задать направление движения облаков, скорость движения и скорость изменения параметров.
Отдельно стоит отметить настройки рендера в Vue. Просчитать картинку в весьма хорошем качестве, можно не вникая в технические моменты. Для этого есть специальные преднастройки: визуализация в тестовом режиме, среднем качестве, для анимации и с ультра настройками, для высокой детализации. Это особенно полезно для новичков, высвобождает время для творчества. При необходимости можно использовать режим для точного редактирования всех параметров рендера.
They\’ll rock your world!
VUE features an interface design that\’s optimized for ease-of-use and productivity and is packed full of amazing rendering features including volumetric effects, glowing materials, lens flares, stars and planets, rocks, and more!
VUE is so productive and easy to use that you\’ll be designing and animating 3D scenery within seconds.Terrains:
-VUE integrates flexible and powerful terrain modeling technologies. From creating full planets to infinitely detailed terrainscapes, VUE\’s got you covered!
-Create hydrological and thermal simulations, manually sculpt them in real time, and even animate the parameters. Procedural terrains provide an unlimited level of detail; move your camera closer, and more detail is seamlessly added.
-Like procedural terrains, Heightfield Terrains are based on a function graph, but baked on a fixed-resolution grid. Allowing more flexibility and realism to your terrains. Heightfield Terrains are also significantly faster to render!
-VUE offers 2 render engines: a fully customizable CPU Ray-tracer, and a hybrid GPU/CPU Path tracer. Both render engines incorporate all of today’s high-end features yet stands out in their ability to handle huge polygon counts quickly and efficiently.
-Render your scenes in stereo, 360° VR Panoramas, VR180, to play them on any Stereo-compliant platform (such as Youtube for instance) or devices such as Occulus Rift, HTC Vive, Nvidia 3DVision, Sony PSVR, Google DayDream, Google Carboard etc.
-For more artistic freedom, VUE also includes a fully featured Non-Photorealistic Rendering shader that analyzes your renders to create stylized artwork.
-Because we understand that our tools will find their place with bigger arsenal in your pipeline, we made sure that what you do in VUE does not merely stay in VUE, and what you do outside of VUE can be imported seamlessly.
-VUE can be installed both as a standalone package, and as a plugin for 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema4D or LightWave. With the included conversion tool, VUE scenes can be rendered with any renderer such as RenderMan, Arnold, Octane, VRay Next, Corona, etc.
-VUE features an extensible architecture that can be programmed using the Python cross-platform standard for application scripting.
-Easily exchange geometry with ZBrush using GoZ (terrains as quads, other meshes as triangles).
-Camera motion can be imported and exported as .FBX as well as Nuke .CHAN files. — And that’s just scratching the surface of how well VUE can fit into your workflow!
-VUE lets you export every single asset of your scenes: Plants, Rocks, Terrains, Ecosystem populations, procedural materials, Camera paths, lights, Cloud Layers, Standalone Clouds and even full scenes, in a wide variety of file formats, such as FBX, Alembic, OpenVDB, 3ds, Collada, Ptex and more. You can control every single Level of Detail, per instance, or globally. On top of this, skies can be exported as HDR skydomes or skycubes.
-VUE provides extensive multi-pass rendering options. Virtually every rendering element, every layer, every material and every single object can be assigned a separate pass. VUE generates all multi-pass renders in High Dynamic Range, including all objects, cloud and layer masks, rendering components, ambient occlusion, shadows, reflections, atmospheric contributions, etc. Multi-pass renders can be exported as EXR 32 bit files with each pass stored in high dynamic range format.
-The creation of natural 3D environments requires highly complex shaders that respond to altitude or slope, seamlessly cover any terrain, and exhibit enough detail whether seen from distance or from close-up.
-VUE features a shader system that is fully optimized for the challenges of Digital Nature. By using three types of material editors, you can effectively create anything from simple bitmapped textures to elaborate multi-layered procedural materials that dynamically respond to the environment.
-VUE is fully compliant with the PBR Metalness workflow and includes a Specular to Metalness converter.
• OS: Windows 64 bit (Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10)
• CPU: Multi-core CPU (Intel QuadCore, Core I7), AVX compliant
• Memory: 8GB+ of RAM,
• Space: 4GB+ of free Hard Disk space (on the drive hosting the OS),
• We recommend a graphics card containing at least 4 GB of VRAM with a 3D Mark score of 10,000 or better
-Autodesk Maya 2015-2019
-Autodesk 3ds Max 2015-2020
-Maxon Cinema 4D R15-R20
-Newtek LightWave 11.6-2019
VUE and PlantFactory R3 build 3002553 August 08, 2019:
Integration and Export:
-[NEW] [Plugin] Added compatibility with V-Ray Next
-[NEW] Added Progress Bar for export
-[NEW] Always running color algorithm now on baked texture for export
-[NEW] [Plugin] Added a \»Convert\» button in the Convert Tool and avoided conversion when using the close button.
-[NEW] [Plugin] Much faster reading and writing of large scenes in Maya (especially in ascii format).
-[NEW] [Plugin] Ability to convert old scene gamma (same choices as in VUE Standalone) when loading a new VUE scene file from the menu.
-Corrected C4D export of flower node for the various meshing modes.
-Dropped support for the Terragen (*.ter) heightmap format because of a dysfunctional module
-Remember the value of \’Export sky\’ when exporting scene.
-Added a warning when the selected format does not allow you to export EcoSystem instances.
-Prevented skies from being exported when you export an object
-Single object position is not baked anymore into exported geometry as OBJ
-When reloading an imported object from its file, it avoids asking the same question for every material.
-Fixed inconsistent messages regarding re-loadable imported objects (question asked randomly + impossible to answer no).
-Improved the reloading of imported objects when there are instances (avoids losing all references).
-Fixed a potential corruption of the scene when replacing/reloading a master object.
-Displays additional information about objects locked from export (when exporting a scene).
-Fixed broken seams in generic UV export
-[Plugin] Fixed a bug in the Convert Tool: global EcoSystems that were completely selected for conversion were not converted, and still deleted. It worked only when selecting their children.
-[Plugin] Fixed a potential crash when converting a VUE object to a native 3DS Max object.
-[Plugin] Removed confusing OK/Cancel buttons in xStream Object Properties (replaced by Close).
-[Plugin] Improved progress bar displayed during the loading of VUE scenes.
-[Plugin] Fixed a regression: relaunching xStream with the default scene after having deleted the Config folder produced an error about a missing default atmosphere file.
-[Plugin] Fixed potential crash when leaving c4d R20 on mac after using vdb from VUE plugin
-[NEW] Exporting as billboards now also creates normal maps
-[NEW] Added Progress Bar during export
-[NEW] Always running color algorithm on baked texture for export
-Corrected C4D export of flower node for the various meshing modes.
-Fixed meshing of flower node in quad mode (duplicated vertices at export)
-Added a warning when exporting as a quad plant that contains imported mesh that contains triangles.
-Fixed displacement baking being baked in mesh as well as being exported as maps (now it\’s one or the other)
-Fixed multi-layer material baking
-Fixed double sided material baking
-Fixed transparency export in C4D
-Fixed some mesh continuity issues, when importing mesh in a plant graph, and exporting the result.
-Added a warning when importing a mesh that contains triangles when the meshing mode is set to quads.
-Fixed normal map channel export
-Fixed broken seams in generic UV export
-[NEW] Allows the use of the RenderNode Network option with Path Tracer renderer.
-[NEW] Improved robustness of GPU anti-aliasing.
-[NEW] Added orthogonal projection in CameraOptions.
-Improved subsurface scattering match with the ray-tracer.
-Fixed empty multi-pass object masks in some rare cases
-Fixed the rendering of imported VDB clouds through HyperVue/RenderCow network.
-Fixed a potential crash when saving G-Buffer while generation of Alpha is off.
-Fixed path of G-buffer files sometimes wrong (lost extension) on Mac OS.
-Fixed texture anti-aliasing on top cap
-Fixed multi-layer material rendering of branch primitive
-[NEW] When saving a material, sped up the computation of the preview for meta-cloud materials.
-[NEW] Optimized PlantFactory plant computation (5%)
-[NEW] Optimized Graph Edition (3x)
-[NEW] Hidden node previews in the function editor are not recomputed anymore (wasting CPU time)
-[NEW] Moved the compilation of nodes in the thread function to reduce latency
-[NEW] Reduced the latency in the function editor when editing parameters (mainly useful for complex graphs).
-Avoided useless restart of the scene preview after \»de-minimizing\» VUE (= restoring the same size as before minimizing it)
-[NEW] Optimized PlantFactory plant computation (5%)
-[NEW] Optimized Graph Edition (3x)
-Fixed a source of slowness in the computation of growth node animation.
-[NEW] Made IceRings and Rainbow effects work in photometric mode.
-Fixed a possible crash when adding a new location to heliodon map
-Fixed a bug with cloud layers that change looks when changing time in timeline.
-Fixed flickering of material in clouds and MetaClouds when origin of material is big and when size/altitude changes during the animation
-Improved reactivity of function editor with material preview and fixed a potential crash
-Moved pivot and center of imported clouds so that the displayed position is the center of the VDB cloud
-[NEW] Ability to subdivide cube & pyramid primitives before displacing (like planes already are), to avoid a much lower visual quality when compared to \’curved\’ primitives like spheres, cones, cylinders and tori.
-[NEW] Improved the rendering of cubes when both displacement and normal mapping is activated.
Eco Systems:
-Fixed billboard animation of PlantFactory plants used in ecosystems as baked mesh.
-Improved the estimation of the final instance count (used to trigger a popup message).
-Fixed the static EcoSystem population on Hyperblob objects.
-Fixed a potential crash in optimized material copy, introduced in R2 to speed up the render scene preview.
-Improved message when creating a TPF specimen in an animated scene (the default quality is \»Animated Mesh\» in this case).
-Fixed a potential crash in dynamic EcoSystem population involving several layers.
-Fixed instance stacking when populating along a spline.
-Fixed potentially invisible instances when dynamic population is used with population along splines.
Fuction Graph:
-[NEW] Improved MetaNode edition
-[NEW] Improved connection edition
-[NEW] Improved graph layout when loading old functions
-[NEW] Improved MetaNode edition
-[NEW] Improved connection edition
-[NEW] Improved graph layout when loading old functions
-Fixed connection dragging
-Fixed edition of fractal node noise parameter
-Fixed connection dragging
-Fixed a crash at the end of this scenario: create a heightfield, open the terrain editor, click \»reset function\» (graph panel), load a picture as heightmap using the button in the left toolbar, edit the resulting function, delete the Blender node.
-Fixed edition of fractal node noise parameter
-[NEW] Added functions to get/set multi-pass and G-Buffer output path.
-[NEW] Added function to override the output folder for all channels.
-True and \»false\» (note the lowercase, previously defined to respectively 1 and 0 as integer) does not exist anymore. Uses Python standard Booleans \»True\» and \»False\» instead (or defines them manually when needed with \»true = True\» and \»false = False\»).
-Global Python function \»HideAllButLayer()\» default value is now -1.
-Fixed broken Python function AddTerrainFromMap.
-Python function AddTerrainFromMap now generates Heightfield Terrain without Zero Edge enabled (Zero Edge forces border terrain altitude to 0).
-Function Graph Editor: Fixed potential crash when deleting/cutting nodes which includes outputs of the graph.
-Fixed memory leaks and possible crashes related to image handling
-Fixed rare crashes when closing FE
-Fixed random crashes when there are imported objects in the scene (after maximizing the main view and other cases…)
-Fixed several crashes within the scene preview and even when just changing the material
-[ScenePreview] fixed crashes when leaving the mesh options dialog or using the mesh decimation dialog
-[Browser/robustness] Fixed crashes in Content Browsers when a file exists but is not or no longer readable (e.g. corrupted)
-Fixed a possible crash after a series of copy/paste/undo operations on Boolean objects
-Fixed potential crashes in GIF module, if the file is not recognized.
-Fixed crash when closing browser and previews are not displayed
-[Browser/robustness] Fixed crashes in Content Browsers when adding a folder whose first file is invalid
-[Images] Fixed a crash when reading some invalid HDR files + possible issues when reading invalid BMP and PCX files
-[Rocks] Fixed border case where building a rock can freeze VUE
-Fixed a potential crash in the timeline, when selecting an individual bone.
-Fixed crash when deleting all seasons and re-opening dialog
-Function Graph Editor: Fixed potential crash when deleting/cutting nodes which includes outputs of the graph.
-Fixed memory leaks and possible crashes related to image handling
-Fixed rare crashes when closing the Function Graph
-Fixed a potential crash while editing plant parameters
-Fixed a potential crash when opening filter editor
-Fixed a potential crash while deleting primitive in preview
-Fixed AutoGrowth with detailed leaves crash
-Fixed potential crashes in GIF module, if the file is not recognized.
-[NEW] Handles opacity map
-[NEW] Handles image parameter
-Fixed reading scenes with previously unsupported parameters
-[NEW] Handles opacity map
-[NEW] Handles image parameter
-Fixed reading scenes with previously unsupported parameters
-Fixed numb widgets after clicking on map preview in material editor
-Restored 4096 output size texture computing with a warning.
-Fixed numb widgets after clicking on map preview in material editor
-Restored 4096 output size texture computing with a warning
-Fixed a bug with HeightField Terrain where Invert Heightmap didn\’t invert user paintings.
-Worked around rare crashes with 3D-displaced terrains when brushing led to geometrical artifacts
-Does not ask to replace (displaced) sea surface by infinite terrain
-[NEW] Uses visible handles for tangent manipulation in the filter editor.
-[NEW] Enabled the K shortcut to break tangents in the filter editor.
-[NEW] Double clicks in filter editor makes a new point where you have clicked.
-[NEW] Native HiDPI drawing of the filter editor.
-[NEW] Allows you to remove a filter point by double clicking on it.
-[NEW] Vastly improved the reading speed of compressed files.
-[NEW] When saving a material file, a dialog now displays the progression of the rendered preview, and it can be stopped by pressing the escape key.
-[NEW] Replaced the 4 icon buttons (6 in hosted plugins) to load items in EcoSystems by a single \»Add Item\» button and a popup menu. The popup menu can also be accessed by right clicking in the population list.
-[NEW] The auto-exposure computed in the scene preview is now applied in the OpenGL views (with the shader 4 mode)
-[NEW] Exposure and post-process settings are now applied while rendering with the path tracer (but not for interactive rendering)
-[NEW] Added a filter to hide old SolidGrowth plant when browsing for plant.
-[NEW] Improved the automatic naming of plants by taking the species filename into account.
-[NEW] Improved graph layout when loading old functions
-[NEW] Improved reactivity when first opening a browser
-[NEW] Improved quality of OpenGL preview of atmosphere
-[NEW] [browser] Created a button to hide downloadable content
-[NEW] [browser] More buttons now support ALT shortcut to switch to native browser
-[NEW] Uses visible handles for tangent manipulation in the filter editor.
-[NEW] Enabled the K shortcut to break tangents in the filter editor.
-[NEW] Double clicks in filter editor creates a new point where you have clicked.
-[NEW] Ability to remove a filter point by double clicking on it.
-[NEW] Vastly improved the reading speed of compressed files.
-[NEW] When saving a material file, a dialog now displays the progression of the rendered preview, and it can be stopped by pressing the escape key.
-[NEW] Split graph and preview menu for clarification
-Fixed bad motion in filter editor when moving a non-selected point while having a multi selection.
-Improved loading error feedback
-Fixed atmosphere editor that could not be opened again using the cog icon in the wind tab.
-Bigger min size for the filter editor
-Rearranged text positioning in dialogs, deactivated interactions with the sun positions and deactivated the painting cursor while the path tracer was active
-Reordered child parameter groups.
-Fixed a crash when deleting all season and re-opening dialog
-Fixed display of filter editor grid values (they were in normalized coordinates)
-Fixed selected point moving after clicking in the filter editor view, after having edited a value.
-Moved imported skin parameter near meshing parameters.
-Added a warning when switching the meshing mode, when it\’s incompatible with an imported skin.
-Doesn\’t show empty browser on skin import but does show the import dialog options if needed.
-Corrected a bug in blade wind animation (random animation of blades when the \»Ambient motion of blades\» was disabled)
-Browser: fixed potential crash when closing Application just after closing a browser.
-Fixed the reloading of materials saved before VUE 8 which could lose their displacement effect.
-Fixed the reloading of EcoSystems with plants located by the user (which were not loaded).
-Fixed the reloading of files (scene, object, material, EcoPainter brush…) with external dependencies (images, plants…): VUE now automatically finds the files beside those that were indicated by the user during the loading session (and asks if they can be loaded).
-Fixed orphan texture and duplicate texture from appearing in timeline
-Fixed bad motion in filter editor when moving a non-selected point while having a multi selection.
-Improved loading error feedback
-Fixed the subdivision +/- in the plant editor for TPF plants with manual subdivision mode.
-Avoid making empty meshes for preview of TPF plants when quality settings are low. The first non-empty mesh when raising quality is used.
-Fixed the display of hypertextures scale in the Object Aspect window (it is now the same as the scale shown in the material line).
-Avoided the display of a black picture when resizing the material preview in the function editor.
-The name of objects with subdivided geometry (procedural terrains, objects with displacement…) being prepared before a render is now visible in the status/progress bar
-Fixed a bug in the material editor: after adding a new layer, the icons of the newly added line were not aligned with the parent line.
-Fixed problems with the control for the render stack size: the value is now correctly clamped to 100MB (preventing a zero size); values without spaces before units are accepted; TB unit can be used.
-Fixed several correspondence problems between the OpenGL skybox and the actual render.
-Fixed a bug with the OpenGL display of terrains: it wasn\’t always updated after changing the material mapping mode.
-Fixed wrongly positioned control in the Mixed Material editor (Transition Altitude)
-Disabled the addition of Plants and Rocks in Particles (eco)systems (same behavior as in R2).
-Fixed crash on closing terrain editor tab
-[MAC] Fixed OpenGL scale ugly look
-Fixed issues when using \»Specific camera\» (view port attached to a given non-main camera) as well as random occurrences of broken display when loading/creating a scene
-Added many fixes when closing viewports, maximizing, adding a tab, etc.
-Fixed drag\’n\’drop of an image from OS browser into VUE on Mac + fixed missing OpenGL refresh after dropping replaces an image
-Fixed possible bad OpenGL display when starting up or opening a new scene where the active viewport is hidden or closed.
-Fixed incorporation glitches, especially missing pictures under specific circumstances after reloading a scene
-Fixed issues regarding the previews of IES profiles: black previews in VUE browser and wrong size of preview in native browser.
-Small fix in G-Buffer Options: pre-select the correct file format (.rla or .rpf) when opening the native browser.
-Spline Editor: fixed a tool tip in French version (was Japanese).
-Made all sliders movable in ColorMapEditor, for opacity and color
-Added MessageCheck when loading an atmosphere to keep the sun position of the scene instead of using the atmosphere settings
-Synchronized MessageCheck for SunPosition with MessageCheck for Camera Settings when loading new atmospheres or creating new scenes.
-Prevented path-tracer and NPR to be activated at the same time.
-Fixed wrongly positioned control in the Mixed Material editor (Transition Altitude)
-Fixed orphan texture and duplicated texture from appearing in timeline.
-Improved maximize views (execution and menus)
-Fixed glitch on horizontal separator
-Fixed editing for names in the world browser that weren\’t popping up in the right place (4K screens)
-Improved zoom icons for clarity on browser
-[Function Editor/Fractal Options] Fixed dialog, too narrow (OK button not visible)
-Improved preview of images in browser
-[Browser] Fixed a potential crash when leaving browser.
-[Browser] Fixed a potential crash when closing Application just after closing a browser.
-Fixed wind preview on blade.
-Fixed viewport configuration not saved on default scene and when setting default scene
-Fixed interaction issue with lens flare lines
-[NEW] A commercial license can now read a scene created in the Trial version on the same machine.
-[NEW] Improved Thumbnail generator library stability
-[NEW] A commercial license can now read a scene created in the Trial version on the same machine.
-[NEW] Improved thumbnail generator library stability
-Default compression level for JPG is now 97%.
-CrashSender: Avoids opening the CrashSender when the crash data is not available (Mac) + fixed UI issues & updated tech support & privacy policy URLs
-Fixed potential mismatch in the reading of incorporated images in very large (> 2 GB) files.
-Materials loaded from a same .mat file are correctly collapsed into a unique material afterwards.
-Improved progress bar for scenes created before R2.
-Improved robustness of thumbnails computation (Windows native browser) and added optional logs.
-Thumbnail generator dll now handles all e-on products formats.
-Fixed a potential crash while regenerating thumbnails cache on old collections.
-Thumbnail generator library now handles all e-on products formats.
-Default animation file extension is now PNG (single frames).
-Default compression level for JPG is now 97%.
-Set default video codec in FFMPEG module to H264 (only for new installation).
-Fixed a crash in Native Browser Preview
-CrashSender: Avoids opening the CrashSender when the crash data is not available (Mac) + fixed UI issues & updated tech support & privacy policy URLs
-Fixed potential mismatch in the reading of incorporated images in very large (> 2 GB) files.
-Materials loaded from a same .mat file are correctly collapsed into a unique material afterwards.
-Improved progress bar for scenes created before R2.
-Improved robustness of thumbnail computation (Windows native browser) and added optional logs.
-Thumbnail generator dll now handles all e-on product formats.
-Fixed a potential crash while regenerating thumbnail cache on old collections
-Displays .fsbak thumbnails in Windows native browser.
-Thumbnail generator library now handles all e-on product formats.
-Fixed the image search using additional texture map folders (i.e. folders defined from the Preferences panel).
-[NEW] It is now possible to position children orthogonally to the surface of the parent
-[NEW] Added two more sliders for adding random positioning and orientation of children objects added via whorl
-Fixed a potential issue with incorrect section definition
-Fixed a possible bug where the normals of a twisted geometry were not correctly computed
-Corrected the polygon count in auto LOD mode for detailed leaves.
Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2019
Разработчик: info.e-onsoftware.com
Платформа/ОС: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit)
Язык интерфейса: English / French / German
Лекарство: В комплекте
Размер: 6.56 GB