Explaindio Platinum 4.014

Explaindio Platinum — служит для создания анимации, Doodle рисунков и движущегося видео. Создавайте на технологии Adobe Air свое видео, загружайте или перетаскивайте элементы в главное окно, добавляйте субтитры, создайте удивительное и профессиональное анимационное видео в считанные минуты! Загружайте уже готовое видео и редактируйте его под себя, вносите изменения с помощью интерактивных элементов.
Ключевые особенности и функции:
• позволяет создавать стильные презентации из сцен, которые как бы рисуются от руки в режиме реального времени;
• в сценах можно использовать текст, изображения, музыку, видео, GIF-анимацию и даже трехмерные объекты;
• поддерживает большинство популярных мультимедийных форматов и форматы трехмерных моделей;
• включает в себя удобный мастер создания проекта с готовыми шаблонами;
Nothing. Beats. Video.
— By now, you know how powerful video is.
— YouTube gets over 3 Billion views a day.
— And Facebook VIDEO gets almost 2 Billion a day as well.
— With that many viewers, there\’s almost an unlimited availability of traffic, regardless of what your niche or business is.
Video has become the strongest and easiest way to captivate, engage, and sell on the internet today!
— By now, you know how powerful video is.
— YouTube gets over 3 Billion views a day.
— And Facebook VIDEO gets almost 2 Billion a day as well.
— With that many viewers, there\’s almost an unlimited availability of traffic, regardless of what your niche or business is.
No Experience Required
Explaindio is an all-in-one video creator that focuses on helping you create attention grabbing, professional looking 2D, 3D explainer and training videos in just minutes.
— WITHOUT required hours of training or technical experience
— WITHOUT requiring special set of software
— WITHOUT spending hours upon hours and hundreds to thousands of dollars getting video created
— Explaindio is focused on creating amazing video content to help you get more leads and make more sales.
Explaindio 4 Highlights:
— Multiple Animations At the Same Time
— Full 3D Animations
— 180+ Pre-Made Text Animations
— Full Multi-Timeline Editing
— Import videos and images
— 200 Pre-Made Animated Scenes
— Over 300+ Fonts Included
— Integrated with Pixabay
— Background Audio Tracks
— Easy Export Options
— 6 Animated Characters
— Step by Step Tutorials
Get More Leads And Sales!
— Explaindio Videos grab attention. That means it stops visitors as they scroll through their social media and gets them to watch your video.
— Using Explaindio you can engage and attract more visitors to your website, to help you get more leads and sales!
Elevate Your Videos in 60 seconds!
Brands like Starbucks, M&M’s, Wendy’s, Samsung and many other fortune 500 companies use this style of video to make an announcement, tell a story, promote a product, or even promote an event. Use them in your video to elevate the video, share a stronger story, and get more views.
Just A Few Explaindio 4 Features:
— Multiple animations at the same time
— Full multi-timeline editing
— Full 3D animations
— Import of external 3D elements
— 3D models and animation customization
— 180+ pre-made text animation
— 140+ pre-made video, image, doodle objects animations
— Easy video creation wizard
— Keyframe animation
— Built-in transitions
— Import videos in most popular format
— like AVI, WMV, FLV, MOV, and MP4
— Pixabay Integration
— Access to 1.4 million stock photos…
— …through Pixabay Integration. Use as featured or as background.
Explaindio 4 Video Creator Software
The #1 Animation, Doodle Sketch, and Motion Video Creation Software. Compatible with both Windows and Mac.
200 Pre-Done Animated Scenes
All scenes are customizable with your content like text, image, videos, colors, and more
100 Full HD Background Videos
Animated motions background video to make your videos richer.
300 Stock images
Images you can use as featured or as background.
6 Animated Characters
Each character comes with a set of animations
Access to Explaindio Closed Facebook Group
It allows you to join vibrant community of thousands video creators, bring your video creation skills to the next level, and get feedback for your videos.
800 Doodle Sketch Images
Library includes both black line and color images
Background Audio Tracks
Background music audio tracks to get you started.
300+ Font
Those fonts are to get you started. You can import any font.
Video Tutorials
Easy to follow tutorials how to use the software more effective way.
Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2018
Разработчик: explaindio.com
Платформа/ОС: Windows® 7/8/8.1/10 (x86/x64)
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage / Русский / English
Лекарство: Встроено
Размер: 183 Mb | 193 Mb